Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mapping Your Employment Process, by Janet

Finding a job in today’s economy is tough. There are lots of us (me, Jill and now Jill’s husband Ron) out there looking for work and for those companies hiring it’s an employer’s market (good for them). But if you’re on the search for a new career, don’t just run to the nearest computer to look for job postings online and then immediately start sending out hundreds of resumes to make yourself feel better (hello, Jill and I have done that). Instead stop, drop into your favorite chair, and re-think about what you really want to do with your next career move.

Regardless if you are 20, 40, or 60 years old seeking work, you need to identify what you love to do. You need to look at past jobs and identify what was the most satisfying part about them (if it was the paycheck…well, think a little harder). You need to write down every company you have ever wanted to work for and start merging this information together so that you have a focused and purpose driven effort in place to restart looking for work.

Many of you, like us, don’t have the time or money to be out of work for months. You have a mortgage to pay, college tuition to save for, a car payment due in less than 30 days, or one of a hundred other personal reasons why you needed a job yesterday. I get it. But to run around without a clear goal of what you want to do and where you want to work will only prolong your search and your ability to build accurate strategies and implement smart tactics that will help you achieve your goal of landing a new job.

Jill and I are not experts at finding jobs (hello, we’re unemployed too, remember) but we met for a brainstorming session and decided that we are going to be more strategic in our search. Today I stopped, sat down in my favorite chair (with a glass of wine), and made myself think about what I loved in my past jobs and I made a list of the organizations I believe my talents would most benefit. My next step will be to work on my strategies and tactics to get myself noticed.


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