Thursday, April 30, 2009

Standing By, Up, and In, by Janet

Being unemployed and having more time on your hands, allows you to think. There is a sense of solitude that comes with unemployment that only those going through it can, in all honesty, relate to the feelings of isolation and loneliness. I’m a workaholic and now in my 5th week of unemployment (can you believe it) and I have been feeling this way recently. I’m use to being busy and over the last few weeks my stepdaughters have been with their mom and my husband is traveling, so the house has been empty (well, I still have Snuggles the cat, but that conversation seems to be a bit one-sided and she sleeps too much).

I spent a significant time job hunting (because that is what you do when out of work) and much of it online. The other day I was at home, and on the computer, when an overwhelming sensation of personal-disconnect happened. You might call it a “panic attack” I’m calling it a “disconnection to others bout” (I don’t like the word “attack” and appreciate the word “bout”, because it sounds short lived and that you’ll be back to “normal” soon). I decided I have spent too much time alone, looking for work, living through the computer, over cleaning, and talking to the cat, so I decided I have to do something about it.

I picked up the phone and started calling people (sounds logical, doesn’t it). I asked them if they were free for coffee, to go for a walk, to see a movie, to have a drink, or to do something of their choice to help me fill my calendar. I called my business “network” to find upcoming meetings to attend or if they needed any “free” help to keep my mind sharp and my sanity in check. I know I have to find full-time work (which I’m doing) but I also know that I need human contact. My friends, family, and business acquaintances have stepped up. My calendar is filling up and the love, willingness, and availability of people I know has changed my outlook and attitude. I am seeing, first hand, the kindness of others in my time of need.

Yesterday, as I glanced through my online calendar, I felt good. I also came across a great video (on YouTube) that I became an instant fan of and I wanted to pass along. I could relate to the video. Its part of a music documentary (Playing for Change, Peace through Music) with musicians performing the song, “Stand by Me” (a Ben E. King classic). Each individual musician performed their rendition of the song all over the world and the director connected them together. I saw an immediate correlation in the film to my life. I’m not a lone singer on the street belting out a tune. No, I’m part of a bigger group of people and when in need, people do stand by you. They stand up for you and they stand in for you giving you their strength to overcome any obstacles.

Thank you and enjoy this clip.

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